Monday, March 2, 2009

The days are out!!!!

summer and general elections are becoming nightmares....

how can anyone bear the scorching heat without electricity which was diverted for powering up the fully glamorous stages and lights against the 60 foot cut outs of politicians?
the days are out and the booking offices are flooded for a ticket to paradise away from home.... seems Home would be no more sweet from April to June....thanks to Indian democracy and a diktat Pakistan.....lives of an average Indian is becoming .......................................................u are always welcome to India.

come general elections......

Sorry for not posting for such a long time.... though i was not preoccupied with anything else....i wanted a break from the dull layouts and page deisgns of google.... and blogger sucks.... how and why did i ever put up with blogger... 

any ways i thought why not kill this blog forever.?this would be the last few posts of the this stupid blog....and who the hell are the idiotic bots who subscribed to this crap....?
its SINE-DIE may be forever.................................................................